Logo Ncapsulate mixi

LNP formulation equipment

Automated formulation with integrated mixing, purification and in-line control

mRNA-LNP formulation is a complex process, requiring multiple unit operations and elaborated purification steps. Large scale solution exist, but can sometimes be cost-prohibitive

Combining jet mixing and patented TFF-based purification in a single equipment, Ncapsulate mixi facilitates formulation by reducing the amount of unit operations and associated handling operations. It is tailored to the Ntensify midi and can operate at GMP-scale.

Ncapsulate mixi

Jet-mixer generate highly turbulent flow, maximizing encapsulation efficiency while maintaining low PDI.

The use of a patented TFF-system prevents membrane clogging and fouling, reducing the risk of required manual intervention and potential decrease of quality attributes

The ground-breaking uses SRDLS to offer non-invasive, accurate particle size measurements

Ncapsulate mixi is tailored to the throughput of the Ntenisfy midi and can formulate batches from 1 to 4g of RNA

Logo Ncapsulate QCX

RNA formulation chemistries

Proprietary formulation chemistries with demonstrated track record in mRNA & saRNA formulation, from infectious disease vaccination to personalized cancer vaccine

Quantoom has developed a new class of lipids-like with adaptable heads and interchangeable tails, allowing for customization to achieve specific functionalities.

This versatility enables us to develop a diverse library of lipids-like molecules, each tailored to meet unique therapeutic needs.

Our lipid-like chemistry are free from third-party IP constraints, opening a new possibilities for RNA delivery in an IP-dense market. 

LNP - Ncapsulate QCX

Following extended in-vivo evaluation

When formulating saRNA, compared to gold-standard formulation

In a murine rabies model, confirming real-world potential

Enabling cost-effective synthesis for human health applications

The structure of our QCX can be tailored to meet specific requirements

Ensuring a clear path to commercialization